09/01/2025 - 09/01/2025
Tirana, Albania
Category: BFUG and Board meetings 2024-2027

BFUG Board meeting XCIV

Ninety-fourth Bologna Follow-Up Group Board meeting, hosted by Albania in Tirana, 9th of January 2025



1. Welcome and introduction

1.1 Welcome by the Ministry of Education and Sports of Albania
1.2 Welcome by the BFUG Co-chairs (Poland and Albania)
1.3 Welcome by the BFUG Vice-chair (Romania)
1.4 Information from the outgoing BFUG Co-chairs (Hungary and Iceland)

2. Adoption of the agenda   


3. Update from the EHEA Secretariat 

BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_3_1_Presentation from the EHEA Secretariat
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_3_2_Schedule of topics  for BFUG meetings

4. Reporting for the BFUG working structures

4.1 Working Group on Monitoring
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_1_1_Final draft ToRs WG on Monitoring
4.2 Working Group on Fundamental Values
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_2_1_Comprehensive monitoring framework for fundamental values
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_2_2_Final draft ToRs WG on Fundamental Values
4.3 Working Group on Internationalisation and Mobility
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_3_1_Final draft ToRs WG on Internationalisation and Mobility
4.4 Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_4_1_Final draft ToRs CG on Global Policy Dialogue
4.5 Task Force on the Future of Bologna
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_5_1_Final draft ToRs TF on the Future of Bologna
4.6 Task Force on establishing a long-term Secretariat
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_6_1_Call for expressions of interest for hosting the Secretariat
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_6_2_Final draft ToRs TF on establishing a long-term Secretariat
4.7 Bologna Implementation Coordination Group
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_7_1_BICG presentation
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_7_2_Final draft ToRs BICG
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_7_3_Template Country action plans
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_4_7_4_Template TPG Action plans
4.8 Updates on the AG on ECTS revision
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_8_1_Summary for the BFUG Board - AG on ECTS Users' Guide revision

5. Agenda for the BFUG XCV meeting 

BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_5_1_Draft agenda BFUG  XCV meeting
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_5_2_Presentation from Poland
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_5_3_ESG revision consultation session - background paper

6. Information by the incoming co-chairs

BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_6_1_BFUG Board Meeting XCVI - Liechtenstein
BFUG_Board_PL_AL_94_6_2_BFUG Meeting XCVII - Denmark 

7. AOB

7.1 EFEE Application for EHEA partnership status
BFUG Board_PL_AL_94_7_1_EFEE Application
BFUG Board_PL_AL_94_7_1_EFEE Statutes
BFUG Board_PL_AL_94_7_1_Background note EFEE application

End of the Meeting