Between 2021 and 2024, the Working Group on Fundamental Values was mandated with developing a comprehensive framework to enhance the monitoring and implementation of the fundamental values of the European Higher Education Area, as outlined in the Rome Ministerial Communiqué. The WG aimed to foster self-reflection, constructive dialogue, and peer learning, while also creating a means to assess the extent to which the fundamental values are upheld across EHEA member states.
Ministers reaffirmed in the Tirana Ministerial Communiqué their commitment to protect, promote, and uphold academic freedom, as previously defined in the Rome Communiqué. Furthermore, they committed to safeguarding a broader set of fundamental values: academic integrity, institutional autonomy, participation of students and staff in higher education governance, public responsibility for higher education and public responsibility of higher education, as defined in the Statements on Fundamental Values adopted as an annex to the Tirana Communiqué.
To ensure reliable monitoring of the implementation of these values as a coherent whole across all education systems, the Working Group on Fundamental Values (2024-2027) has been mandated to continue developing the technical monitoring framework and report its progress at the 2027 Ministerial Conference.
The main goals of the WG on Fundamental Values 2024-2027 are to:
- finalise the development of a comprehensive framework and indicators to further the monitoring and implementation of the fundamental values of the EHEA, based on the work done in the previous Fundamental Values Working Group and the supporting project.
- coordinate the first round of the implementation of the monitoring tool in accordance with the agreed framework and indicators and report back to the BFUG.
- coordinate the knowledge sharing, peer exchange and support and promotion of the fundamental values in order to raise awareness on the common understanding within the EHEA members
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference for the Work Period 2024-2027
Terms of Reference for the Work Period 2021-2024
Group meetings and updates 2024-2027
First meeting of the WG on Fundamental Values, online, 6th of December 2024
- WG_FV_1_HU_IS_2_Agenda
- WG_FV_1_HU_IS_4_Draft ToRs WG on Fundamental Values
- WG_FV_1_HU_IS_5_1_Presentation Monitoring the Fundamental Values of Higher Education in the EHEA
- WG_FV_1_HU_IS_5_2_Technical Policy Framework of Indicators for Fundamental Values of Higher Education in the EHEA: Framework of Indicators and Monitoring Tool
- WG_FV_1_HU_IS_5_1_Presentation Monitoring the Fundamental Values of Higher Education in the EHEA
Previous group meetings and updates
WG on Fundamental Values 2021-2024