According to the EHEA Rules of Procedure, between Ministerial Conferences, the Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG), where all members and consultative members are represented, develops, adopts and implements the work programme of the EHEA, in accordance with the priorities set by Ministers. The BFUG decides on the organisation of its work, in order to implement the work programme, including by setting up working structures.
The work programme shall be completed by the following Ministerial Conference, and the BFUG shall report to Ministers on its implementation. It may entrust the implementation of parts of the work programme to Working Groups and similar structures, the terms of reference of which shall be adopted by the BFUG. All working structures report and submit their proposals to the BFUG, in line with the schedule of the work programme.
During the XCIII Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) meeting, hosted by Hungary in September 2024, in Budapest, the Work Plan for 2024-2027 was adopted by the BFUG members.
The Work Programme includes the following working structures: Working Group on Monitoring, Working Group on Fundamental Values, Working Group on Internationalisation and Mobility, Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue, Task Force on the Future of Bologna, Task Force on establishing a long-term Secretariat, Bologna Coordination Implementation Group and four Thematic Peer Groups, on three degree cycle/qualifications, recognition, quality assurance and social dimension. A dedicated structure chaired by the European Commission will prepare a revision of the ECTS Users' Guide.