Bologna Implementation Coordination Group

The BICG - Bologna Implementation Coordination Group

With the Paris Communiqué, "a structured peer support approach based on solidarity, cooperation and mutual learning" was adopted. In the work plan of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for 2018-2020, peer support focuses on completing the implementation of three key commitments:
  • a three-cycle system compatible with the overarching framework of qualifications of the EHEA and first and second cycle degrees scaled by ECTS,
  • compliance with the Lisbon Recognition Convention,
  • quality assurance in compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area.


To this end, the BFUG has established a coordinating body, the Bologna Implementation Coordination Group (BICG), to organise three Peer Groups, one for each key commitment.

With the Rome Communiqué the mandate for the BICG as well as for the TPGs was renewed for the period 2021 to 2024 and included in the work programme. In the Rome Communiqué it is stated:

We reconfirm our determination to see the Key Commitments fully implemented. We ask the BFUG to continue to employ the peer support method to achieve this. We commit to the continued participation in and contribution to this effort.

The BICG 2021 to 2024 is composed by Austria (Co-chair), Bulgaria (Co-chair), Italy (Co-chair), the European Commission, EUA, EURASHE and one Co-chair of Working Group 1 on Monitoring, Albania and Romania as well as one co-chair of each TPG, as provided for in the BICG’s terms of reference.

Specific tasks of the BICG:

  • Coordinate the work of the TPGs;
  • Follow-up peer support activities by keeping an overview of the composition and activities of the different groups;
  • Seek to improve the Peer Support Approach for the implementation of the Key Commitments, including possible adjustments; 
  • Identify synergies in the work of the Thematic Peer Groups;
  • Give the BFUG regular updates and an overview on the progress and effectiveness of the Peer Support Approach for the implementation of the Key Commitments, based on the activities of the TPGs;
  • Prepare analytical reports to the BFUG on the activities of the different TPGs and the support for the implementation of Key Commitments as a whole, including operation (what works, what doesn’t work), impact and usefulness;
  • Prepare recommendations for further actions to improve the implementation for consideration by the BFUG;
  • Provide an assessment of the usefulness of thematic peer groups as a working method, including whether they should be extended to other policy areas within the competence of the BFUG.
  • Provide an assessment of the usefulness of thematic peer groups as a working method, including whether they should be extended to other policy areas within the competence of the BFUG.

The final report of BICG for the 2021-2024 work cycle can be found here


The Thematic Peer Groups themselves, each co-chaired by three countries, agree on further actions aimed at fostering, improving and speeding up implementation of the Key Commitments in the participating countries. They report to the BICG 

The objective of each TPG is to provide a forum to support countries in working together to implement a Key Commitment. The TPGs continue use the Peer Support Approach and build on the work accomplished during the previous work period. Each TPG should follow up and update its overall Action Plan to reflect the progress achieved in each and any new developments. Each participating country should prepare, update and follow its own Country Work Plan, coordinated with each TPG’s Action Plan and objectives. The countries and organisations should nominate representatives of authorities and stakeholders with relevant responsibility and expertise in the relevant area for the duration of the entire work period. The co-chairs of the TPGs are appointed by the BFUG and are responsible for planning, coordinating and reporting on the activities of the TPGs. There should be up to three co-chairs per TPG, respecting also a principle that one country representative should not co-chair more than one TPG or the BICG. 

The TPG co-chairs (2021-2024): 

TPG A: Austria, Georgia, Latvia 

TPG B: Albania, France, Italy 

TPG C: Belgium Flemish Community, Romania, Kazakhstan


Thematic Peer Group A on Key Commitment 1 (a three-cycle system compatible with the overarching Qualifications Framework of the EHEA and first and second cycle degrees scaled by ECTS) 

Specific thematic indications include topics such as:

  • self-certification of the national qualification frameworks the overarching Qualifications Framework of the EHEA,
  • complete implementation of the ECTS User’s Guide,
  • short cycle higher education,
  • multiple purposes and use of the qualifications frameworks by the stakeholders,
  • study programmes outside of the Bologna three-cycle structure,
  • relationship between the qualifications frameworks and quality assurance.


Thematic Peer Group B on Key Commitment 2 (national legislation and procedures compliant with the Lisbon Recognition Convention [LRC])

Specific thematic orientations indicated include topics such as:

  • establishing the legal framework to allow the implementation of the LRC,
  • establishing the distribution of work and responsibilities among the competent institutions that have the right knowledge and capacity to carry out recognition procedures,
  • achieving automatic recognition,
  • recognition of alternative pathways,
  • qualifications held by refugees,
  • optimising the potential of digital technology for the recognition agenda and the Diploma Supplement.


Thematic Peer Group C on Key Commitment 3 (Quality Assurance in compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area)

Specific thematic orientations include topics such as:

  • legislative framework in line with the ESG (introducing changes),
  • ensuring effectiveness of internal quality assurance arrangements, including the use of QA results in the decision-making process and quality culture as well as links to learning and teaching,
  • the role and engagement of stakeholders in internal and external QA (students, teachers, employers) and
  • Cross-border QA and European Approach to accreditation of joint programmes.


Updates from the BICG to the BFUG

2018-2020 cycle:

BFUG Meeting 63 Vienna September 2018
(under item 8. BICG update: composition of peer groups)

BFUG Meeting 65 Bucharest April 2019 (under item 6. Update from the BICG)

BFUG Meeting 67 Helsinki November 2019 (under item 5.1 Bologna Implementation Coordination Group)

BFUG Meeting 69 Kyiv March 2020 (under item 5.1 Bologna Implementation Coordination Group)

BFUG Meeting 71, online, hosted by Croatia June 2020 (under item 5.5 Bologna Implementation Coordination Group)

Board Meeting 72, online, hosted by United Kingdom (Scotland) September 2020 (under item 7.3 Bologna Implementation Coordination Group)

BFUG Meeting 73, online, hosted by Germany September 2020 (under item 6.3 Bologna Implementation Coordination Group)

2021-2024 cycle:
BFUG Board meeting 77, online, hosted by Armenia in October 2021
BFUG meeting 78, online, hosted by Slovenia in December 2021

BFUG Board meeting 79, online, hosted by Azerbaijan in February 2022
BFUG meeting 80, Strasbourg, hosted by France in April 2022
BFUG Board meeting 81, Astana, hosted by Kazakhstan in October 2022

BFUG meeting 82, Brno, hosted by the Czech Republic in November 2022
BFUG Board meeting 83, Sarajevo, hosted by Bosnia and Herzegovina in March 2023
BFUG meeting 84, Stockholm, hosted by Sweden in May 2023

BFUG Board meeting 85, Tbilisi, hosted by Georgia in October 2023
BFUG meeting 86, Madrid, hosted by Spain in November 2023

BFUG Board meeting 87, Vatican City, hosted by the Holy See in January 2024
BFUG meeting 88, Brussels, hosted by Belgium in February 2024

BFUG Board meeting 89, Vatican City, hosted by the Holy See in March 2024
BFUG meeting 90, Brussels, hosted by Belgium in April 2024

BICG Meetings

BICG Meetings 2021-2024 

BICG Meetings 2018-2020