The Advisory Group on the ECTS User's Guide Revision is an ad-hoc group, chaired by the European Commission, with the objective to proposed a revised ECTS Users' Guide for adoption by the 2027 Ministerial Conference. In the Tirana Communique,
to support the implementation of the ECTS, including learning outcomes, the ministers
invited the BFUG to review the ECTS Users’ Guide 2015 by 2027, to strengthen its key features and adapt it to current developments, including micro credentials.Implementing the ECTS system is considered a key commitment within the European Higher Education Area, promoting smooth mobility, automatic recognition of qualifications and study periods (through credit transfer), flexible learning paths and student-centred, learning outcomes-based study programmes (through credit accumulation).
The ECTS User's Guide is an official Bologna tool adopted by Ministers for Higher Education of the European Higher Education Area in 2015 at the Yerevan ministerial conference. It is the official Guide for using the ECTS system across Europe, ensuring a comparable and coherent implementation.
The Advisory Group is composed of seasoned experts from member states, as well as European stakeholders.
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference of the Advisory Group on the ECTS User's Guide Revision 2024-2027
Group meetings and updates 2024-2027
First meeting of the AG on ECTS Users' Guide Revision, 17th of February 2025, Brussels
AG_ECTS_1_Draft agenda_17.02.2025