26/09/2024 - 27/09/2024
Budapest, Hungary
Category: BFUG and Board meetings 2024-2027

BFUG meeting XCIII

Ninety-third Bologna Follow-Up Group meeting, hosted by Hungary in Budapest, 26-27 September 2024.

 BFUG XCIII Family photo


1. Welcome and introduction

1.1 Welcome by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary
1.2 Welcome by the BFUG Co-chairs (Hungary and Iceland)
1.3 Welcome by the BFUG Vice-chair (Romania)

2. Adoption of the agenda   


3. Information from the outgoing BFUG Co-chairs (Belgium Flemish and French Community, Holy See) 

4. Information about the XCII BFUG Board meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland

5. BFUG Rules of Procedure 

BFUG_HU_IS_93_5_1_Draft RoP-BFUG

BFUG_HU_IS_93_5_2_Background note RoP-BFUG

6. Final report of the 2022-2024 Task Force on the Review of the Rules and Regulations for the Governance of the European Higher Education Area

BFUG_HU_IS_93_6_1_Final Report TF on RR
BFUG_HU_IS_93_6_2_Annex 1 - Draft ToRs for the TF on a long-term Secretariat

7. Feedback on the organisation of the Ministerial Conference from the outgoing Albanian BFUG Secretariat and reporting on the 2021-2024 work period

BFUG_HU_IS_93_7_1_Presentation from the outgoing Albanian BFUG Secretariat
BFUG_HU_IS_93_7_2_Evaluation report for the Tirana 2024 Ministerial Conference and Global Policy Forum
BFUG_HU_IS_93_7_3_Report for the 2021-2024 working period

8. Information from the EHEA Secretariat 

BFUG_HU_IS_93_8_1_Presentation from the EHEA Secretariat
BFUG_HU_IS_93_8_2_Draft Terms of Reference for the EHEA Secretariat 2024-2027
BFUG_HU_IS_93_8_3_Draft Guidelines for minuting and formatting of documents
BFUG_HU_IS_93_8_4_Co-chairing arrangements 2024-2030
BFUG_HU_IS_93_8_5_Outlook and requirements for the revised EHEA website
BFUG_HU_IS_93_8_6_Structure of the membership profiles on the EHEA website
BFUG_HU_IS_93_8_7_General rules for secondments

9. Roundtable discussion on implementing the Tirana Communiqué 

10. EHEA Work Programme 2024-2027

BFUG_HU_IS_93_10_1_Draft Work Programme
BFUG_HU_IS_93_10_2_Presentation of the Work Programme
BFUG_HU_IS_93_10_3_Presentation of the expressions of interest for co-chairing_v3
BFUG_HU_IS_93_10_4_Information on the ESG revision process

11. Networking session on the future working structures

BFUG_HU_IS_93_11_Background document networking session

12. Information from the European Commission on the new call for Erasmus+ projects supporting the implementation of the Bologna Process

BFUG_HU_IS_93_12_Presentation from the European Commission

13. Application from Eurodoc to become a consultative member of EHEA

BFUG_HU_IS_93_13_1_Eurodoc application
BFUG_HU_IS_93_13_2_Eurodoc Statutes
BFUG_HU_IS_93_13_3_Background note - Eurodoc application 

14. Plenary session on the European Degree (label) and the European Higher Education Area

BFUG_HU_IS_93_14_1_Background note plenary session
BFUG_HU_IS_93_14_2_Presentation European Commission

15. Information by the incoming co-chairs


16. Reports from the consultative members (in writing)

16.1 Business Europe
BFUG_HU_IS_93_16_2_Council of Europe
BFUG_HU_IS_93_16_2bis_Council of Europe presentation
16.3 Education International

17. Any other business (AOB)

 End of the Meeting