03/09/2024 - 03/09/2024
Reykjavik, Iceland
Category: BFUG and Board meetings 2024-2027

BFUG Board meeting XCII

Ninety-second Bologna Follow-Up Group Board meeting, hosted by Iceland in Reykjavik, 3rd of September 2024



1. Welcome and introduction

1.1 Welcome by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Iceland
1.2 Welcome by the BFUG Co-chairs (Hungary and Iceland)
1.3 Welcome by the BFUG Vice-chair (Romania)
1.4 Information from the outgoing BFUG Co-chairs (Belgium Flemish and French Community, Holy See)

2. Adoption of the agenda   


3. Update from the EHEA Secretariat 

BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_3_1_Presentation from the EHEA Secretariat
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_3_2_Draft Terms of Reference for the EHEA Secretariat 2024-2027
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_3_3_Draft Guidelines for minuting and formatting of documents
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_3_4_Co-chairing arrangements 2024-2030
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_3_5_Membership profiles on EHEA website
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_3_6_Outlook and requirements revised EHEA website

4. Feedback on the organisation of the Ministerial Conference from the outgoing Albanian BFUG Secretariat and reporting on the 2021-2024 work period

BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_4_1_Presentation from the outgoing Albanian Secretariat
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_4_2_Evaluation report for the Tirana 2024 Ministerial Conference and Global Policy Forum
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_4_3_Work report for the 2021-2024 work cycle by the Albanian Secretariat

5. EHEA Work Programme 2024-2027

BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_5_1_Discussion Paper - EHEA Work Programme 2024-2027

6. BFUG Rules of Procedure

BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_6_1_Draft RoP-BFUG
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_6_2_Background note - RoP BFUG

7. Application from Eurodoc to become a consultative member of EHEA

BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_7_1_Eurodoc application
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_7_2_Eurodoc Statutes
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_02_7_3_Background note - Eurodoc application

8. Draft agenda for the XCIII BFUG meeting (Budapest)

BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_8_1_Draft agenda BFUG XCIII meeting - Budapest
BFUG_Board_HU_IS_92_8_2_Presentation from Hungary for the XCIII BFUG meeting

9. Information by the incoming co-chairs

9.1 BFUG Board Meeting XCIV - Albania

9.2 BFUG Meeting XCV - Poland

10. AOB

 End of the Meeting