05/11/2024 - 05/11/2024
Brussels, Belgium
Category: BFUG and Board meetings 2024-2027

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs of the working structures



1. Welcome and introduction

1.1 Welcome by the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training
1.2 Welcome by the BFUG Co-chairs (Hungary and Iceland)
1.3 Welcome by the BFUG  Vice-chair (Romania)

2. Overview and adoption of the agenda

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_2_Agenda

3. Presentation of BFUG procedures and relevant documents for the working structures

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_3_1_Work Programme
Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_3_2_EHEA & BFUG Rules of Procedure
Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_3_3_EHEA Secretariat Terms of Reference
Coordination  meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_3_4_Guidelines for minuting
Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_3_5_Presentation

4. Presentation and discussion of the Terms of Reference for each working structure

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_4_1_Draft ToRs WG on Monitoring

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_4_2_Draft ToRs WG on Fundamental Values

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_4_3_Draft ToRs WG on Internationalisation and Mobility

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_4_4_Draft ToRs Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_4_5_Draft ToRs Task Force on the Future of Bologna

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_4_6_Draft ToRs Task Force on establishing a long-term Secretariat

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_4_7_Draft ToRs Bologna Coordination Implementation Group

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_4_8_Draft ToRs BICG_Annex 1_TPG Action Plans

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_4_9_Draft ToRs BICG_Annex 2_National action plans

Coordination meeting between the co-chairs_HU_IS_4_10_All ToRs

5. Transversal topics, synergies,  areas of common interest and potential overlaps between working structures

6. Dissemination, enhancing knowledge sharing and reporting

7. Bilateral talks

End of meeting