Working Group on Monitoring the Implementation of the Bologna Process
Working Group on Fundamental Values
Working Group on Internationalisation and Mobility
Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue
Task Force on the Future of Bologna
Task Force on establishing a long-term Secretariat
Advisory Group on ECTS User's Guide Revision
- Bologna Implementation Coordination Group
Final Reports 2021-2024
2021-2024 working structures
- Working Group on Social Dimension
- Task Force on the Review of the Rules and Regulations...
- Ad Hoc Task Force to Increase Synergies Between the EHEA...
- Task Force on Enhancing Knowledge Sharing in the EHEA community
- Working Group on Learning & Teaching
- EHEA Network of National Correspondents for Qualifications Frameworks
- Working Group on Roadmap for San Marino's accession to the EHEA
Working Group on Monitoring the Implementation of the Bologna Process