30/01/2025 - 30/01/2025
Category: Coordination Group meetings

1st Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue meeting

1st Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue meeting, online, 30th of January 2025

1st CG on Global Policy Dialogue Meeting, online, 30.01.2025 – Minutes 



1. Welcome remarks and introduction to the meeting

CG GPD_PL_AL_1_1_Draft agenda _22.01.2025

2. From Tirana to Iasi-Chisinau: state of the art and future perspectives

CG GPD_PL_AL_1_2_ToRs_context

3. Objectives and outcomes for the CG on GPD. Presentation of the Terms of Reference

CG GPD_PL_AL_1_3_CG GPD Terms of Reference_22.01.2025

4. Key initiatives at the global level and their relevance for the work of the CG on GPD

CG GPD_PL_AL_1_4_UNESCO Higher Ed conventions

5. BFUG working structures: overview and synergies with the CG on GPD

CG GPD_PL_AL_1_5_BFUG working structures

6. Working groups on the CG on GPD work plan and identification of the first list of stakeholders to involve

7. Reporting from the working groups

8. Wrap up and conclusions

End of meeting