*Albania moved due to its BFUG Vice Chairmanship and EHEA Secretariat 2021-2024
** Norway replaces the Republic of Moldova as the co-chair for the January-June 2026 period.
*** The Republic of Moldova replaces Norway, while Norway had initially taken the place of the Russian Federation, suspended from the EHEA.
Each country is responsible for nominating a person who will be in charge of fulfilling the tasks of the chairmanship. The Chairs have a joint responsibility to take forward the aims and actions laid down by the Ministers responsible for Higher Education in the Bologna Declaration and subsequent Communiqués of ministerial conferences. The BFUG Co-Chairs, in close collaboration with the Vice Chair and assisted by the Secretariat, are responsible for the diligent and timely preparation of the BFUG Board and the BFUG meetings. They take the necessary actions to ensure this, such as communications with Board members, preparatory meetings etc. The Co-Chairs and the Vice-Chair must exercise their chairing tasks with neutrality.
The Co-Chairs open and close the BFUG and BFUG Board meetings, chair the discussion of all items of the agenda, and summarise outcomes and decisions at the end of each agenda point. They lead the way towards decision-making, and finding the necessary compromises.
The Vice-Chair in particular ensures the liaison between the BFUG and the authorities of the hosting country of the Ministerial Conference and the Global Policy Forum, as well as continuity between Co-Chairmanships.