1.First Meeting of the WG on SD, online, 8 July 2021
Agenda of the Meeting
Minutes of this meeting
Achievements of Social Dimension in HE
Developing Indicators for Social Dimension
Work Plan
2.Second Meeting of WG on SD, online, 6 October 2021
Agenda of the Meeting
Minutes of this meeting
Summary of Main Outputs of Last Meeting: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
EC/Eurydice’s questionnaire on Fostering Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: David Crosier, European Commission/ Eurydice
Eurostudent VII Synopsis of Indicators report: Kristina Hauschildt and Martin Unger, Eurostudent
U-Multirank concept paper: Frans Kaiser and Anete Veidemane (U-Multirank), Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS)
3.Third Meeting of WG on SD, online, 16 November 2021
Agenda of the Meeting
Minutes of this meeting
Overview of progress in 2021: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
Making mobility programmes more inclusive: Valerie Van Hees, Support Center Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO)
Inclusiveness in the new Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027: Manzoni N. and Finsen S., DG EAC, European Commission Croatia
How to create indicators, benchmarks and a system of monitoring the implementation of the ‘Principles and Guidelines’?: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
Work Plan 2021-2024: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
4. Forth Meeting of the WG on SD, online, 17 February 2022
Agenda of this meeting
Minutes of this meeting
Overview of progress in 2021: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
Towards a European Framework for Community Engagement in Higher Education: Thomas Farnell, Higher Education Policy Expert, Institute for the Development of Education (IDE)
The Local Democratic Mission of Higher Education: Sjur Bergan, Council of Europe
UASiMAP: Mapping Regional Engagement Activities of European Universities of Applied Sciences: John Edwards, Secretary General, EURASHE
Subgroups Guidelines: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
BFUG Working Group on Social Dimension: Workplan 2021-2024
5. Fifth Meeting of the WG on Social Dimension, Malta, 25-26 April 2022

Agenda of this meeting
Minutes of this meeting
Overview of progress in 2021-2022: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
Introduction to Workshops 1-3 on indicators for social dimension using the World Café Method: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
Subgroup 1 - Proposal of indicators for P1-P3: Berto Bosscha, The Netherlands, Ministry of Education, Culture & Science
Subgroup 2 - Proposal of indicators for P4-P6: Martina Darmanin, Co-Chair, European Students Union
Subgroup 3 - Proposal of indicators for P7-P9: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
6. Sixth Meeting of the WG on SD, The Netherlands, 13-14 June 2022

Agenda of this meeting
Minutes of this meeting
Overview of progress in 2021-2022: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
Fostering equity and inclusion in higher education: Suzan Kommers, NUFFIC
Social inclusion in U-Multirank: Frans Kaiser and Anete Veidemane, U-Multirank
Social Dimension in the Bologna Process Implementation Report: David Crosier, Eurydice, European Commission
Principles and Guidelines to Strengthen the Social Dimension of Higher Education in the EHEA: Proposal of indicators
7. Seventh Meeting of the WG on SD, Belgium, 29-30 September 2022
Agenda of this meeting
Minutes of this meeting
Overview of progress in 2021-2022: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
Peer Learning Activities and Resources to underpin the Principles and Guidelines for Social Dimension: Valerie Van Hees, Coordinator, SIHO
8. Eighth Meeting of the WG on SD, online, 14 November 2022
Agenda of the meeting
Overview of progress in 2021-2022: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
Bologna with Students' Eyes: Horia Onita, Co-Chair, ESU
Peer-learning activity on the EUA's Autonomy Scorecard as an example of a system of monitoring: Enora Bennetot Pruvot, Deputy Director for Governance, Funding & Public Policy Development, European University Association
Peer-learning activity on system of monitoring through indicators Eurydice developed for principles on social dimension: David Crosier, Co-chair of the Working Group on Monitoring the Implementation of the Bologna Process, European Commission/ Eurydice
OPEN FOR CONSULTATIONS_Indicators on social dimension_11-2022
9. Ninth Meeting of the WG on SD, Belgium, 7-8 February 2023
Agenda of the meeting
Minutes of meeting
Overview of progress in 2021-2022: Horia Onita, Co-Chair, European Students' Union
Update from European Commission: Lucie Trojanova, European Commission
Social Dimension of Higher Education: The role of external QA: Anna Gover, Director, European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Social Dimension: Valerie Van Hees, Coordinator, SIHO
Student Mental Health: A public mental health perspective: Ronny Bruffaerts, Coordinator, SIHO
10. Tenth Meeting of the WG on SD, Belgium, 24-25 April 2023

Agenda of the meeting
Minutes of meeting
Overview of progress in 2021-2023: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
The link between the social dimension and quality assurance in higher education: how can they reinforce each other?: Horia Onita, Co-Chair, ESU
The Social Dimension of Higher Education: Annette Dolan, Vice-Chair of HERSC, ETUCE representative on the BFUG
11. Eleventh Meeting of the WG on SD, online, 12 June 2023
Agenda of the meeting
Minutes of meeting
12. Twelfth Meeting of the WG on SD, online, 24-25 October 2023

Agenda of the meeting
Minutes of meeting
Main conclusions from the last meeting and new updates: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
Consultative meeting on social dimension in HE with the BFUG members held on September 6, 2023: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt and Horia Onita, Co-Chairs
Monitoring the implementation of the P&Gs: BPIR 2024 social dimension chapter: David Crosier, Eurydice, European Commission
Presentation of the draft chapter on social dimension in higher education in the 2024 Bologna Process Implementation Report: David Crosier, Eurydice, European Commission
Discussion on the future of the social dimension within the BFUG in the period 2024 - 2027: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt and Horia Onita, Co-Chairs
13. Thirteenth Meeting of the WG on SD, Belgium, 7-8 December 2023
Agenda of the minutes
Minutes of the meeting
14. Fourteenth Meeting of the WG on SD, online, 2 February 2024
Agenda of the meeting
Minutes of the meeting
Overview of progress in 2022-2024: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia
Future of the social dimension in the EHEA for the period 2024-2027: Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, Co-Chair, Croatia and Horia Onita, Co-Chair, ESU
15. Fifteenth Meeting of the WG on SD, Vienna, 4-5 April 2024
Agenda of the meeting
Minutes of the meeting