Work programme 2015-2018
Advisory Group on Dealing with non-implementation 2015-2018 - meeting 4
The fourth meeting of the Advisory Group on Dealing with non-implementation. will take place on June 7th 2017 at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France.
AG Dealing with non-implementation - Strasbourg June 2017 - Minutes
AG Dealing with non-implementation - Strasbourg June 2017 - Draft Agenda
Draft agenda
1. Welcome and information by the chairs
2. Adoption of the draft agenda
3. Minutes from the last meeting
4. Update from the Gozo BFUG meeting
5. Nature and role of the "Implementation Committee"
6. Monitoring the Key Commitments
7. Plans for the final report
8. Summary of decisions and the work ahead
9. AOB
Advisory Group
The Advisory group on Dealing with non-implementation is mandated to submit proposals for addressing the issue of non-implementation and incorrect implementation of key commitments (how to implement them best by respecting and reflecting the EHEA instruments and the EHEA culture).