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Work programme 2015-2018

Advisory Group on Dealing with non-implementation 2015-2018

The advisory group on “Dealing with non-implementation” is mandated to propose the best way for member countries to further their implementation in the Bologna’s key commitments.

Content for Bologna Expert - 08/09/2015
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Download the AG on DEALING WITH NON-IMPLEMENTATION final report

Terms of reference

The Advisory group on Dealing with non-implementation is mandated to submit proposals for addressing the issue of non-implementation and incorrect implementation of key commitments (how to implement them best by respecting and reflecting the EHEA instruments and the EHEA culture).

Terms of Reference Advisory Group Dealing with non-implementation 2015-2018

Update of the work

Report at BFUG Meeting 50 in Amsterdam, March 2016

Nota: will be updated for all BFUG meetings
Source: BFUG Meeting 50 Amsterdam March 2016 - Work progress AG Dealing with Non-Implementation

AG3 held its first meeting in Brussels on 14 January 2016. The meeting focused on two main areas of activity, reflected in the two working papers produced for BFUG 1/2016 (cf. bellow): Identifying a limited number of measurable commitments that form the foundation of the EHEA; and plan for our work in the period until the next ministerial meeting in Paris 2018.

Both documents were drafted on behalf of AG3 by a drafting group consisting of the two co-chairs (Iceland and Lichtenstein) and representatives from ESU, EC, and EQAR.

Working paper I - EHEA Key commitments

AG3 Dealing with Non-Implementation: Working Paper I

This paper lines out three key commitments which all EHEA members need to fulfil. The document explains why these three key commitments are crucial for the success of the EHEA and why they must be implemented by all member states. This document is to be presented to the BFUG in Amsterdam on March 7/8 for discussion and adoption.

Working paper II - Procedure for work in the coming period; Cooperation with WG1 and WG2

AG3 Dealing with Non-Implementation: Working Paper II

This second document will also be presented to the BFUG in Amsterday in March. Its purpose is to outline the relationships between AG3, WG1 (Monitoring) and WG2 (Implementation) in the work on non-implementation both in the long and short term, and to outline the plan of work for AG3.

Report at BFUG Meeting 52 in Bratislava, December 2016

Download the BFUG Meeting 52 Bratislava Dec. 2016 - Work progress AG Dealing with Non-Implementation

Working paper III - Cyclic procedure for dealing with non-implemenation

BFUG Meeting 52 Bratislava Dec. 2016 - Cyclic procedure for dealing with non-implemenation (AG3 Working Paper III)

The cyclic reporting procedure is an eight-step repeating process which aims to improve the implementation of the three key commitments of the Bologna process, as agreed upon in the BFUG meeting in Amsterdam in March 2016. It works by a combination of peer-review and public reporting, with the main purpose of highlighting persistent problems of non-implementation and increasing expectations of full and correct implementation. It will be proposed to the BFUG from AG3 on Dealing with Non-Implementation at BFUG Meeting 52 in Bratislava, December 2016.

Report at BFUG Meeting 54 in Gozo, May 2017

BFUG Meeting 54 Gozo May 2017 - Work progress of Advisory Group 3 on DEALING WITH NON-IMPLEMENTATION

BFUG Meeting 54 Gozo May 2017 - Cyclic procedure for dealing with non-implemenation (AG3 Working Paper III) - revised version

BFUG Meeting 54 Gozo May 2017 - Draft Letter (specimen) to countries

Report at BFUG Meeting 56 in Tartu, November 2017

BFUG Meeting 56 Tartu Nov 2017 - FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS AG3 Dealing with non-implementation

BFUG Meeting 56 Tartu Nov 2017 - ToR Key Commitments Implementation Group

BFUG Meeting 58 in Sofia, February 2018

Joint proposal AG3 (Dealing with non-implementation) / WG2 (Implementation) at

BFUG Meeting 58 Sofia Feb 2018 - Explanatory note by AG3 and WG2 to the proposal to aid implementation of Bologna key commitments
BFUG Meeting 58 Sofia Feb 2018 - Guiding notes for the establishment, composition and working methods of the peer groups supporting implementation of Bologna key commitments

Published: 08/09/2015 - Last modified: 31/05/2018
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