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Frequently asked questions


I want to study in country X, how can I find out if my degree will be recognised?

For general information on the recognition of qualifications read our introduction on recognition. To find out if a qualification you have or intend to get is recognised, please contact the national information centre of your home country or the country where you would like to study or work. A full list of national information centres can be found on the ENIC-NARIC website.

Which countries can join the Bologna Process?

The criteria for membership have been defined in the 2003 Berlin Communiqué as follows:

Countries party to the European Cultural Convention shall be eligible for membership of the European Higher Education Area provided that they at the same time declare their willingness to pursue and implement the objectives of the Bologna Process in their own systems of higher education.

Countries that do not meet those criteria and therefore are not eligible to join the Bologna Process still have the possibility to introduce Bologna-like reforms in their respective higher education system.

Read more on the How to apply? page

Who may attend the events announced on the EHEA website?

Bologna Seminars are open to a wide range of participants involved in higher education and higher education policy-making (both in Europe and in other parts of the world). The ultimate decision on participation lies with the respective organisers of the seminars, who will have to take into account (among others) the capacities of the conference venue and the need for geographical balance.

Ministerial Conferences, Bologna Follow-Up Group meetings, Board meetings, Working Group meetings a restricted events.

Other relevant events are organized by BFUG consultative members, partners or other organizations. The registration conditions are specified on the official website of each event.

Does the Bologna Secretariat offer financial support to students or organisers of Bologna-related events?

No. Unfortunately, the Bologna Secretariat is not in a position to offer financial support to students or to those wishing to organise a Bologna-related event.

Logo disclaimer

As a general rule, the Bologna Process / EHEA logos can be used in both printed materials and websites, without further notice or request for permission by the BFUG Secretariat for events that support the consolidation of the European Higher Education Area and the objectives of the Bologna Process. Nevertheless, the use of the logo(s) cannot give way to the semblance that the BFUG takes the responsibility for the contents of the documents or information materials or other tools or that they bear its approval. Furthermore, the ministries responsible for higher education in the EHEA countries, the European Commission and other institutions of the European Union, the Bologna Process consultative members, the BFUG Working Groups and Networks have automatic rights of usage of the Bologna Process / EHEA logos within the above mentioned general rule.

For any other higher education institutions, European / international organizations, etc. that does not fit into the above mentioned general conditions, a case-by-case decision will be taken. The requests for usage of the two logos will be submitted to the BFUG Secretariat using the contact form while including a short description of the material or website, with clear indications about where and how the Bologna Process / EHEA logos would be used.

The BFUG Secretariat will forward to the BFUG Chairs each request that does not fit within the agreed general conditions as specified in the first paragraph. The BFUG Chairs will approve or deny the use of the logos. If additional information is required for making a decision on the matter, the BFUG Secretariat will be asked to formally request it from the solicitant.

The BFUG Secretariat has the right to verify at any time, without prior notification, the extent of the authorisation issued and the actual use of the logo(s). The BFUG Secretariat has the right to cancel, withdraw, invalidate or restrict the authorisation for the use of the logo(s) in case it takes notice of a use not complying with the agreed conditions.

The Bologna Process / EHEA does not recognise or in any other way bestow legitimacy on any higher education institution, programme or provision. Institutional recognition is normally within the competence of national authorities and is normally conditional on the institution or programme undergoing quality assessment. Consequently, the use of the Bologna Process / EHEA logos with the purpose described in this paragraph is strictly forbidden.

The logos must to be used under the exact format, colour scheme or black-and-white version or shading provided by the BFUG Secretariat and must not be reshaped or materially altered except for proportionate scaling up/down without prior written permission of the owners.

The use of the Bologna Process / EHEA logos is not considered acceptable and no permission is granted or maintained for them to be used for materials unrelated to the EHEA and to the Bologna Process. The logos must not be used in a detrimental way for the European Higher Education Area.

Any reprinting, sublicensing, modifying, publishing, assignment, transfer, sales, or other distribution of the logos, in parts or as a whole, is strictly prohibited.

Unauthorized usage of the Bologna Process / EHEA logo or failure to comply with any of the terms, restrictions, conditions, or limitations will result in automatic termination of the respective non-exclusive permission.