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Work programme 2015-2018

Advisory Group on Dealing with non-implementation 2015-2018 - meeting 2

Advisory Group meeting Reykjavík, Iceland 12/09/2016

Second meeting of the Advisory Group on Dealing with non-implementation.

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At this meeting indicators to measure the implementation of key commitments where chosen and a cyclic procedure model developed for member countries identified as having implementation problems.

Donwload the AG Dealing with non-implementation - Reykjavik Sept 2016 - Minutes

  1. Welcome and information by the chairs
  2. Adoption of the draft agenda
  3. Summary and outcome of BFUG meeting at Amsterdam
    Documents of the BFUG meeting in Amsterdam, March 2016:
    BFUG Meeting 50 Amsterdam March 2016 - Work progress AG Dealing with Non-Implementation
    AG3 Dealing with Non-Implementation: Working Paper I
    AG3 Dealing with Non-Implementation: Working Paper II
  4. Presentation and discussion of diverse procedure models
    Documents: “Procedure Models and Organs”, “Comment on Procedure Models and Organs” and “Summary Feedback”
  5. Discussion and design of a possible institutional organ responsible for the procedure
    Documents: “Procedure Models and Organs”, “Comment on Procedure Models and Organs” and “Summary Feedback”
  6. Summary and next steps
  7. 7. AOB
Published: 12/09/2016 - Last modified: 16/10/2017
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Advisory Group

The Advisory group on Dealing with non-implementation is mandated to submit proposals for addressing the issue of non-implementation and incorrect implementation of key commitments (how to implement them best by respecting and reflecting the EHEA instruments and the EHEA culture).

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