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Work programme 2012-2015

ExpandO Conference on Peer Learning in the Social Dimension of the Bologna Process

Other relevant event Ghent, Belgium 12/11/2013

On November 12, 2013, the Expanding Opportunities - ExpandO Conference on Peer Learning in the Social Dimension of the Bologna Process took place in Ghent - Belgium.

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On November 12, 2013, the ExpandO partners presented the results of the project during the final conference in Ghent, Belgium. Bologna Experts, policy makers, practioners and stakeholders were invited to discuss the challenges they face in expanding opportunities to currently underrepresented groups in higher education and to look to each other for solutions.

In the communiqué of the Bucharest Conference (April 2012), the ministers of the European Higher Education Area pushed for more peer learning on all elements of the social dimension of the Bologna process. The ExpandO Conference aims at examining the challenges and the outcomes of such a peer learning process on access and success of underrepresented groups in higher education. What are the difficulties when comparing educational systems and figures across borders? What lessons can be learned from one another? How can we structurally engage practitioners, policy makers and researches in the exchange of knowledge? These questions and many more will be discussed during plenary and workshop sessions and examples of such peer learning will be given.

The conference also offered the unique opportunity to meet with experts from around Europe during the lunch and the closing networking reception and thus create informal opportunities for peer learning.

Published: 12/11/2013 - Last modified: 22/07/2016
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Name of the person attending the event: Sahakanush Sargsyan, member of the Bologna Secretariat
Contribution made: Participant