Work programme 2012-2015
EURASHE Seminar on Quality Assurance
EURASHE organised a Seminar on Quality Assurance (QA) titled ‘Implementation of Internal (and External) Quality Assurance and of the ESG in HEIs‘ in Nicosia (Cyprus) on 27-28 September 2012. It is organised by EURASHE, under the auspices of the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with the European University Cyprus (EUC) and the Open University of Cyprus (OUC).
Implementation of Internal (and External) Quality Assurance and of the ESG in HEIs
The objective of the seminar was to train individuals responsible for the management/coordination of internal QA at institutions (e.g. Quality Assurance managers, Quality Assurance coordinators, Quality Assurance administrators, Heads of Higher Education Institutions), so that after the completion of the seminar they would be able to organise and implement fully, efficiently and effectively internal Quality Assurance based on the ESG, preparing also in this way for the external Quality Assurance evaluation of their institutions.
The seminar was built upon two themes, Internal QA processes & instruments for improvement; and Implementation of the ESG for QA in the institutions.
EURASHE Report on the Implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions
In 2010, five years after the adoption of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA (ESG) by the European Ministers of Education in Bergen (2005), in cooperation with the other partners of the E4-Group, ENQA, ESU and EUA, EURASHE accepted the mandate from the Ministers of the European Higher Education Area to examine the awareness, implementation and usefulness of the ESG in view of a possible revision of the ESG.
The E4-Group responded by running a project, “Mapping the Implementation and Application of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (MAP-ESG project)”, and presented a joint report of the MAP-ESG project at the Ministerial meeting in Bucharest in April 2012.
As we had completed an extensive consultation amongst members and stakeholders for the MAP-ESG project, which had delivered substantial input and which had only partly fed into the joint E4 report, EURASHE proposed to publish a report of its own, focusing on the results and recommendations affecting professional higher education.
Participants of the Seminar received a copy of EURASHE’s Report on the Implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions.