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Work programme 2009-2012

New Perspectives for Master Study Programmes in Europe

Bologna Seminar Berlin, Germany 25/10/2011 - 26/10/2011

The German Rectors’ Conference and its project nexus are jointly organising the Bologna Seminar "New Perspectives for Master Study Programmes in Europe. Implementing the Second Cycle of Bologna – A European Success story?" in preparation for the ministerial conference in Bucharest in 2012

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The Bologna Seminar seeks to focus on the current state of Master programmes in the European Higher Education Area. Moreover, new developments for orientation and transparency on the rapidly increasing “Master-market” will be discussed. These include, among others, marketing of Master degree programmes, recruitment of students, and implementation of lifelong Learning. Finally, the participants will propose recommendations for the Bologna Follow-Up Group in preparation for the 2012 ministerial conference in Bucharest.


Since the kick-off of the Bologna Process in 1999, the two-tier study structure has been implemented across the entire European Higher Education Area. While many countries concentrated at first on the development of Bachelor programmes, Master programmes have now moved centre stage. Therefore, the time seems right to take stock of the important developments in the area of Master level degrees.

At the Bologna Seminar on Master degrees in Helsinki in 2003, some common criteria were defined. Since then, the situation has evolved considerably and, while many of the known issues remain on the agenda, new ones have emerged.

In light of this, the Bologna Seminar will focus on the following topics:

  • Master programmes have different aims and profiles to accommodate a wide range of individual, academic and labour market needs. Has this led to the emergence of a “Master market” and how do universities market their specific programmes? 
  • How do universities assess applicants to find the most appropriate students for their Master programmes? 
  • Mobility is an essential aim of the Bologna process and the Master level is particularly suited for international mobility. How can “brain circulation” between the European Higher Education Area and other parts of the world be fostered?  
  • Lifelong learning is becoming increasingly important and Master programmes will have a key role to play here. Of course, different target groups require different approaches to learning and teaching, making “one-size-fits-all” approaches impracticable. Thus, how can face-to-face instruction, distance learning, blended learning and other modes of instruction be adapted to these changing needs?
  • Diversity and commonalities: is there such a thing as a “European Master”?

In addition, a poster exhibition will provide an impression of the “Master landscape” in Europe and highlight some particularly interesting approaches.

The conference will also call on participants to cooperate in formulating recommendations on the further development of Master programmes for the attention of the Bologna Follow-Up Group.

Published: 25/10/2011 - Last modified: 20/10/2016
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