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Work programme 2009-2012

WG on Social Dimension 2009-2012 - meeting 2

Working Group meeting Berlin, Germany 11/07/2011

Second meeting of the Bologna Working Group on Social Dimension 2009-2012.

At their second meeting, the Working Group discussed the social dimension chapter of the implementation report. Specific references were made to the structure and the general direction of the chapter. An overview of the discussions was sent to the data collectors for further consideration.

Moreover, the examples of good practice collected by the Social Dimension Working Group were also forwarded to the Reporting on the Bologna Process Implementation WG to facilitate insights on the subject and comparison for the Integrated Report.

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Adoption of the minutes from the previous Social Dimension Working Group meeting in Madrid

WG Social dimension 2009-2012 - Draft Minutes Madrid May 2010

Discussion on Eurostudent’s concept proposal for the establishment of a European Observatory on Social Dimension of Higher Education (EOSDHE)

Eurostudent - European Observatory on Social Dimension - Proposition 21.02.2011

Analysis of the first set of results on the Data Collection exercise on Social Dimension

Part of the BFUG implementation report - Draft version - Chapter 4

Analysis of gathered examples of good practice as outlined in the WG’s Terms of Reference

Good practices in Social Dimension implementation - Belgium Flemish Community

Good practices in Social Dimension implementation - Croatia

Good practices in Social Dimension implementation - England

Good practices in Social Dimension implementation - Germany

Good practices in Social Dimension implementation - Ireland

Good practices in Social Dimension implementation - Norway

Good practices in Social Dimension implementation - Scotland - Case Studies - Employability

Good practices in Social Dimension implementation - Scotland - Case Studies - Widening Access

Good practices in Social Dimension implementation - Spain

  • Collection of good practices in Social Dimension implementation in Higher Education at national and regional level;
  • Collection of measures taken in other parts of the educational system within the EHEA in order to increase the level of equity in Higher Education;
  • Collections of good practices and national experiences in defining core indicators used for measuring and monitoring the relevant aspects of Social Dimension in Higher Education;
  • Collecting information of successful stories of improving employability due to the good practices of HEIs.          

Read more on the Collection of good practice examples on the implementation of the Social Dimension in higher education

Discussion on the Social Dimension Working Group Draft Report for the BFUG meeting in Cracow

WG Social dimension 2009-2012 - Draft Report main structure

Published: 11/07/2011 - Last modified: 04/07/2016
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