Work programme 2009-2012
Universities, Knowledge and Development for the next decade - Salamanca
The ‘Universities 2020’ EU Presidency Conference (Salamanca) focuses on doctoral and research schools. Organised under the Spanish Presidency of the European Council, the Spanish Ministry of Education and the European Commission’s Directorate for Research, Innovation and Science, this conference was hosted by the University of Salamanca on the 17-18 June 2010.
The conference aim is to reinforce international-level dialogue between universities with regard to their role in the change to a knowledge-based economy. The conference constituted a particularly important means by which to establish the following priorities: making education the centrepiece of the Lisbon Strategy, while ensuring the modernization of universities, as well as their contribution to innovation and sustainable economic development. The results of the conference will be debated at the Education Council, followed by the possible approval of conclusions.
The conference aimed to discuss the role of universities in the EU 2020 strategy in developing links and synergies between the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA) over the next decade in the context of a knowledge-based economy. Special attention was given to doctoral education, its impact in society and the role that doctoral schools could play in supporting doctoral education and integration of doctorate holders in the labour market. The conference gathered approximately a hundred European experts including university rectors and leaders, ministry representatives, policy makers, representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee and representatives of regional bodies and other associations.
Representatives from DG Research, Innovation and Science announced that a follow-up conference was planned during the EU Belgian Presidency in Autumn 2010.