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Bologna Follow-Up Group and Board meetings - by period


Sep 2009
4 September 2009
BFUG Board 20
Stockholm, Sweden

Twenteenth meeting of the Bologna Follow-Up Group Board in Stockholm, 4 September 2009.

28 to 29 September 2009
BFUG meeting 18
Stockholm, Sweden

Eighteenth meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group in Stockholm, 28-29 September 2009, under the Sweden Presidency.

Nov 2009
30 November to 1 December 2009
BFUG meeting 19
Brussels, Belgium

Nineteenth meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group in Brussels, 30 November - 1 December 2009, under the Sweden Presidency.

Jan 2010
28 January 2010
BFUG Board 21
Madrid, Spain

Twenty-first meeting of the Bologna Follow-Up Group Board in Madrid, 28 January 2010.

Feb 2010
18 to 19 February 2010
BFUG meeting 20
Madrid, Spain

Twenteenth meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group in Madrid, 18-19 February 2010, under the Spain Presidency.

Aug 2010
24 to 25 August 2010
BFUG meeting 21
Alden Biesen, Belgium

The twenty-first meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group in Alden Biesen, 24-25 August 2010, was the first meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group after the Budapest and Vienna ministerial conference...

Feb 2011
11 February 2011
BFUG Board 23
Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Twenty-third meeting of the Bologna Follow-Up Group Board in Andorra, 11 February 2011.

Mar 2011
17 to 18 March 2011
BFUG meeting 24
Gödöllő, Hungary

The twenty-fourth meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group was held in Gödöllő, 17-18 March 2011.

Sep 2011
7 September 2011
BFUG Board 25
Yerevan, Armenia

Twenty-fifth meeting of the Bologna Follow-Up Group Board in Yerevan, 7 September 2011.

Oct 2011
13 to 14 October 2011
BFUG meeting 26
Kraków, Poland

The twenty-sixth meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group was held in Cracow, 13-14 October 2011.

Nov 2011
16 November 2011
Networks of researchers
Brussels, Belgium

Meeting of the BFUG Board with the representatives of various networks of researchers

30 November 2011
BFUG Board 27
Copenhagen, Denmark

Twenty-seventh meeting of the Bologna Follow-Up Group Board in Copenhagen, 30 November 2011.

Jan 2012
18 to 19 January 2012
BFUG meeting 28
Copenhagen, Denmark

The twenty-eighth meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group was held in Copenhagen, 18-19 January 2012.

Feb 2012
21 February 2012
BFUG Board 29
Baku, Azerbaijan

Twenty-ninth meeting of the Bologna Follow-Up Group Board in Baku, 21 February 2012.

Mar 2012
19 to 20 March 2012
BFUG meeting 30
Copenhagen, Denmark

The thirtieth meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group was held in Copenhagen, 19-20 March 2012.

Apr 2012
26 April 2012
BFUG meeting 31
Bucharest, Romania

The thirty-first meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group was held in Bucharest, 26 April 2012. It was an extraordinary meeting.


The Bologna Follow-up Group (BFUG) oversees the Bologna Process between the ministerial meeting. The BFUG meetings play an important role in overseeing the implementation of the ministerial Communiqués as well as in developing the Bologna Process.