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Work programme 2015-2018

Bologna Follow-Up Group Meeting L

BFUG Meeting Amsterdam, Netherlands 07/03/2016 - 08/03/2016
Netherlands EU Presidency 2016© Marina Steinmann

The fiftieth Bologna Follow-Up Group meeting was held in Amsterdam on 7-8 March 2016.

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The Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) is the executive structure supporting the Bologna Process in-between the Ministerial Conferences. The BFUG meetings play an important role in overseeing the implementation, following the ministerial conferences, while aiming at maintaining the development process.

The BFUG is co-chaired by the Netherlands (EU-Presidency) and the Republic of Moldova (chair from non-EU country) for the period from 1st January to 30 June 2016. France is vice-chair until 30 June 2018.

Draft agenda

Official opening by the Dutch minister of Education, Culture and Science, Mrs. Jet Bussemaker

1. Welcoming remarks

Welcome and information provided to the BFUG meeting by co-chairs: The Netherlands and Moldova.

2. Adoption of the agenda

3. Minutes of last meetings

Adoption of draft minutes of the BFUG meeting, Luxemburg 8-9 September 2015

Information on minutes of the board meeting of Vaduz, June 2015, adopted at board meeting in Chisinau

Information on minutes of the board meeting of Chisinau, 18 January 2016

4. Update of the 2015-2018 Work Plan

Information from co-chairs of AGs and WGs about the current state of work and activities

5. Discussion and adoption of the revised TOR of WGs and AGs

6. Parallel sessions

7. Discussion and potential adoption of the BFUG proceedings 2015-2018

8. Discussion and potential adoption of key EHEA commitments and procedure set-up by the AG on non-implementation (AG 3)

9. Information by the BFUG Secretariat

10. Parallel sessions

11. Plenary discussion on results of parallel sessions from day 1 & 2

12. Q&A on written contributions received from EHEA associate members and partners

13. Information by incoming co-chairs: Slovakia and Montenegro

14. AOB

Published: 07/03/2016 - Last modified: 07/10/2016
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