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Work programme 2015-2018

Bologna Follow-Up Group Meeting XLVIII

BFUG Meeting Luxembourg, Luxembourg 08/09/2015 - 09/09/2015

The fourty-eighth Bologna Follow-Up Group meeting was held in Luxembourg on 8-9 September 2015.

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The meeting was an opportunity to report for the Yerevan ministerial conference of May 2015 and to set up the main guidelines of the BFUG work plan for the next three years.

Draft agenda

1.    Information by the Chairs: Luxembourg and Liechtenstein

2.    Adoption of the draft agenda

3.    Taking note of the draft minutes of the BFUG Board meeting, Vaduz, 30 June 2015 and adoption of the draft outcome of proceedings of the BFUG meeting, Riga, 24-25 March 2015 and draft minutes of the BFUG extraordinary meeting, Yerevan, 14 May 2015

4.    Information by the BFUG Secretariat

5.    Evaluation report of the Yerevan Ministerial Conference and the Fourth Bologna Policy Forum

6.    Discussion on 2015-2018 BFUG Work Plan

6.1 Discussion on the 2015-2018 BFUG Organisation Chart

6.2 Discussion on the Terms of Reference

6.3 Participation in WGs and BCs

7.    Discussion on the amended 2015-2018 BFUG Work Plan

7.1 Discussion on the amended 2015-2018 BFUG Organisation Chart

7.2 Discussion on the amended Terms of Reference

7.3 Participation in WGs and BCs

8.    Next BFUG Board meeting, Moldova, January 2016 and next BFUG meeting, Netherlands, 7-8 March 2016

9.    Any other business

Published: 08/09/2015 - Last modified: 20/10/2016
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