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Work programme 2012-2015

Working Group on Mobility and Internationalisation 2012-2015

The Mobility and Internationalisation Working Group 2012-2015 devoted special interest to the following issues: Staff mobility, mobility of teacher training students, quality in mobility, common description of study programmes, portability of grants and loans, a potential target for incoming students to the EHEA, quality assurance of joint programmes, mobility of underrepresented groups and a general review of the 2007 “EHEA in a global setting strategy”.

Archived content for Bologna Experts - 14/05/2015
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Mobility and internationalisation have been among the central objectives and main policy areas of the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) from the very beginning. The Bologna Declaration (1999) set out “the objective of increasing the international competitiveness of the European system of higher education” and pointed out the need “to ensure that the European higher education system acquires a world-wide degree of attraction”.

In the 2009 Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve Communiqué, the Ministers responsible for higher education of the countries participating in the Bologna Process declared international openness to be one of the higher education priorities for the coming decade. The Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve Communiqué furthermore states that: “In 2020, at least 20% of those graduating in the European Higher Education Area should have had a study or training period abroad”.

At the Bucharest Ministerial Conference 2012 the EHEA Strategy “Mobility for Better Learning” was launched. Its 10 themes, including the improvement of quality mobility, increasingly mobility into and out of the EHEA and the further internationalisation of the EHEA are the basis for the terms of reference (work plan) of the Bologna working group on mobility and internationalization (M&I WG).

Moreover, to exchange information and to provide assistance in facilitating the portability of grants and loans, the Network of Experts on Student Support in Europe (NESSIE) was set-up as a sub-structure to M&I WG.

Source: Report of the 2012-2015 BFUG Working Group on Mobility and Internationalisation

Terms of reference


  • To contribute to the implementation of the EHEA Strategy “Mobility for better Learning” at national and European level and to assist in the reporting to Ministers in 2015 on the progress made,
  • To support countries in their national implementation efforts regarding the mobility strategy,
  • To contribute to the evaluation of the strategy “EHEA in a Global Setting” and to the further internationalisation of the EHEA,
  • To review the Bologna Policy concept with the aim of further improving policy dialogue with non-EHEA countries.

Specific Tasks

  • To propose to the BFUG guidelines on staff mobility, including a definition of “staff” and an analysis of current barriers to staff mobility, as well as a set of potential measures to overcome them,
  • To contribute to the national implementation of selected measures of the mobility strategy by facilitating peer learning, exchange of good practices and regional cooperation,
  • To examine ways of overcoming existing mobility obstacles, such as the application of transparency instruments and practices relating to joint programmes,
  • To explore options of improving the information on study programmes and admission systems in the EHEA (measure 8 of the mobility strategy),
  • To explore whether a common approach on the portability of grants, loans and scholarships is feasible and to be recommended,
  • To contribute to the reporting exercise on the implementation of the mobility strategy, in particular by assisting the WG on reporting in drafting a suitable questionnaire as well as by proposing conclusions on the progress made and further action,
  • To examine options of assessing and improving the international attractiveness of the EHEA inter alia by examining whether a target on mobility into the EHEAis feasible and to be recommended,
  • To propose to the BFUG guidelines for further internationalisation developments in the EHEA,
  • Consider and make proposals concerning joint degrees and programmes on the basis of suggestion by a small ad-hoc group reporting to the working groups on Mobility and Internationalisation and Structural Reforms,
  • Help identify and set priorities for peer learning activities concerning mobility and internationalisation.

Source: Terms of reference Working Group on Mobility and Internationalisation - Endorsed 15.03.2013

Published: 14/05/2015 - Last modified: 28/07/2016
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Austria - Gottfried Bacher
Germany - Peter Greisler
Spain - Luis Delgado

Armenia, Belgium/Flemish Community, Belgium/French Community, Businesseurope, CoE, Consultative experts, Cyprus, Denmark, EC, EI, ENQA, EQAR, ESU, EUA, Eurostat, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, the Netherlands, UK, Bologna Secretariat


First international conference on European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and Synergies with the European Research Area (ERA) Focusing on Mobility - Sarajevo 12-13 September 2012.

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