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Work programme 2012-2015

Bologna Follow-Up Group Board meeting XLIV

BFUG Board meeting Reykjavík, Iceland 24/02/2015

Forty-fourth meeting of the Bologna Follow-Up Group Board in Reykjavik, 24 February 2015.

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Draft agenda

1.    Information by the BFUG Chairs: Latvia and Iceland
2.    Adoption of the draft agenda
3.    Adoption of the draft minutes of the BFUG Board meeting, Vatican City, 9 July 2014 and taking note of the draft outcome of proceedings of the BFUG meeting, Riga 26-27 January 2015
4.    Revised paper on the Bologna Process revisited: The future of the EHEA
5.    Yerevan Ministerial Communiqué (Draft 1)
6.    Fourth Bologna Policy Forum Statement (Draft 1)
7.    Update on the preparation of the Ministerial Conference and Fourth Bologna Policy Forum in Yerevan in 2015
8.    Update on the EHEA accession
9.    Draft agenda of the BFUG meeting, Riga, 24-25 March 2015
10.    Any other business

Published: 24/02/2015 - Last modified: 10/08/2016
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