Work programme 2009-2012

Working Group on Transparency Tools 2009-2012 - meeting 1

Working Group meeting Brussels, Belgium 30/11/2009

First Meeting of the 2009-2012 BFUG Working Group on Multidimensional Transparency Tools - Towards a transparent landscape of European Higher Education.

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1. Welcome and introduction to the meeting

2. Adoption of the Agenda

WG Transparency Tools Brussels November 2009 - Draft agenda

3. Approval of the Terms of References

4. Adoption and Approval of Work plan 2009-2012

5. Report from EC on the EU feasibility study for creating a University Register (FESUR)

6. Any other business

7. Date and place of the next meeting

WG Transparency Tools Brussels November 2009 - Draft minutes

Published: 30/11/2009 - Last modified: 09/07/2016
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