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Work programme of the Bologna Follow-Up Group 2007-2009

Conference on mobility - Let's Go! Where to now ?

Bologna Seminar Lille, France 06/10/2008 - 07/10/2008

“Let’s Go! - Where to now?” - Mobility Campaign Conference, 6-7 Oct 2008, Lille, France, organized by Education International and European Student Union

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Education International and the European Students’ Union are committed to the topic of mobility, to the Bologna Process, to internationalisation of our higher education systems. Achievements have been made since we first developed the idea of a joint campaign between the two organisations, almost two years ago in a Bologna Seminar in London, as a preparation of the previous Ministerial Summit. At that seminar, we developed no less than 27 recommendations to improve and incentivise student and staff mobility. But we also realised that what we had cooked up was not very revolutionary: we knew the problems, but needed more political commitments. This is why we decided to launch the Let’s Go Campaign: to move from rhetoric to action, to push for commitments at the only level where real progress can be made. National student unions and teacher unions have tried to hold their Ministers, their higher education institutions accountable for commitments that have been made. This conference, this report, is the wrap-up of that work, and wants to look ahead: WHERE TO NOW?

Published: 06/10/2008 - Last modified: 20/10/2016
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