Work programme of the Bologna Follow-Up Group 2005-2007
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales - Building on Experience
The Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW) are hosting a Conference on the theme 'Building on Experience'.
Recognition, flexibility and opportunities for progression are the key benefits for learners and employers in Wales with operation of the Credit and Qualifictions Framework for Wales. The extensive exemplar work over the last two years, part supported by the European Social Fund, has provided invaluable evidence for the successful operation of the framework.
The conference marks the launch of the operation of the CQFW and sharing good practice and experience. The second half of the conference will have senior representatives from the Lifelong Learning and Skills Group, Welsh Assembly Government, to outline the policy initiative to ensure the CQFW fulfils its potential.
The conference is relevant to schools, Further amd Higher Education Institutions, Learner-provider network, awarding bodies, sector skills councils and all organisations interested in post 16 education and training.