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Work programme of the Bologna Follow-Up Group 2005-2007

Council of Europe – Austrian Bologna Process Information Seminar

Other relevant event Vienna, Austria 26/01/2006

The Bologna Board members, ENQA, the Chairs of the Working Groups and representatives from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and the Ukraine were invited to attend this seminar.

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Draft Agenda

Welcome by the chair

Short introduction to the Bologna Process
Chair: view from the governmental level
EUA and EURASHE: view from the higher education institutions
ESIB: view from the students

The management and the implementation of the process on the European and on the national level

European level: Chair of the BFUG and former chair of the BFUG
Best practice examples: CoE and input from other Board members
European instruments to implement/promote the process: European Commission

The Work Programme 2005 - 2007

General overview: working groups, seminars, projects (chair)
Stocktaking (chair of the WG)
TRENDS and ESIB survey (EUA and ESIB)
Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (chair of the WG)
Quality Assurance (ENQA)
Comparable Data/Social Dimension (chair of the WG)
External Dimension (chair of the WG)
Each input will be followed by a question and answer period.

New member countries – outline of future plans

New member countries will be invited to outline their plans for engaging in the Bologna Process

Closing remarks

Published: 26/01/2006 - Last modified: 01/06/2016
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