Work programme of the Bologna Follow-Up Group 2003-2005

Joint Degrees – Further Development

Bologna Seminar Stockholm, Sweden 06/05/2004 - 07/05/2004

The seminar on “Joint Degrees – Further Development” was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Sweden and took place in Stockholm, 06-07 May 2004; almost exactly two years after the first Bologna Follow-Up seminar on the development of Joint Degrees and in the same city. The seminar – the first in the line of fourteen 2004-2005 Bologna Follow-up Seminars – focused along the Bologna action line 6: Promotion of the European Dimension in Higher Education, with a special focus on Joint Master Degrees.

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50 participants from 18 countries and a number of organisations attended this seminar organised by the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research. General Rapporteur was professor Pavel Zgaga. The seminar built on previous activity in the field. Two seminars were held in the preceding period related to joint degrees: in May 2002, also in Stockholm, and in Mantova in April 2003, focussing on integrated curricula. In addition, a survey in 2002 and a project on joint master’s degree programmes, both conducted by the EUA, had pointed to a number of problems. In the Berlin Communiqué, Ministers undertook to remove legal obstacles to the establishment and recognition of joint degrees and actively support the development and adequate quality assurance of integrated curricula leading to such degrees.

The seminar considered the situation against this background. In most Bologna countries, degrees are regulated in national legislation. Many higher education institutions co-operate in developing and delivering joint study programmes and joint degrees, but few joint diplomas are awarded. Most countries do not make explicit legal provision for the awarding of joint degrees and joint diplomas. The seminar reiterated the importance of joint degrees for achieving the Bologna objectives, underlining that the process of developing and offering joint study programmes is the core activity, and discussed aspects such as the use of the Diploma Supplement and ECTS and quality assurance. In a lifelong learning perspective it was pointed out that the possibilities for all types of students to participate should be taken into account when developing joint study programmes and joint degrees.

It was recommended that the Bologna Follow-up Group should map the experience of higher education institutions and students with joint study programmes and joint degrees and if possible report conclusions and recommendations to the Bergen ministerial meeting. Further, each country should report on the progress made in removing legal obstacles to joint degrees as agreed in the Berlin Communiqué. As a result of the latter recommendation a question about this was included in the template for the national reports.

The seminar made the following recommendations to the Bergen Ministerial Meeting:

  • The possibility of awarding joint degrees with national and foreign higher education institutions should be clearly referred to in national legislation. Every country should report on the progress of their work in time for the ministerial meeting in 2007.
  • The format of the Diploma Supplement should be adapted to facilitate the description of joint degrees. The Diploma Supplement should include a cross-reference when double degrees are issued.
  • Ministers should encourage the development of incentives for higher education institutions to participate in joint study programmes leading to joint degrees. Higher education institutions should give proper recognition to students and staff who participate in joint degree programmes.

Source:General Report to the Bologna Follow-Up Group to the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education - Bergen 19/20 May 2005
Bologna Process between Berlin and Bergen


Joint Degrees - Programme - Stockholm 2004

FactSheet Sweden March 2004

EUA Study

Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Developing Joint Masters Programmes for Europe
Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Developing Joint Masters Programmes for Europe
Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Developing Joint Masters Programmes for Europe

National cases

Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Italy Legal Aspects
Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Italy Legal Aspects

Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Italy National Incentives
Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Italy National Incentives

Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Belgium Flemish Community
Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Belgium Flemish Community

Lisbon Recognition Convention

Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Lisbon Recognition Convention
Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Lisbon Recognition Convention

European Commission

Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - European Commission
Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - European Commission

Conclusions and recommandations

Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Conclusions and recommendations
Joint Degrees Stockholm 2004 - Conclusions and recommendations

Joint Degrees - Report - Stockholm 2004

Joint Degrees - Recommandations - Stockholm 2004

Published: 06/05/2004 - Last modified: 20/10/2016
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