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Bologna Follow-Up Group Secretariat

The Bologna Secretariat handover ceremony hosted by France

Other relevant event Paris, France 01/07/2015

Starting from July 1st, 2015, France has taken over the responsibility of hosting the Bologna Secretariat, formerly being provided by Armenia.

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The Ceremony held in Paris was an opportunity to bring together the Armenian Secretariat of the BFUG and the Armenian Vice-chair, the French stakeholders and representatives of EHEA.

The Erevan Conference led to the Erevan Communiqué which described the general guidelines France intented to follow while assuming the responsibility the BFUG Secretariat and Vice-chair.

Mrs Karine Harutunyan, Deputy Minister of Education and science and vice chair of the “Bologna follow up group” during the last three years and Mrs Gayane Harutunyan who was at the Head of the Bologna Secretariat up till the 1rst of July 2015 presented the main conclusions of the Conference in Erevan and the roadmap of the Secretariat for the next three years.

Mrs Simone Bonnafous, French General Director for Higher Education and Employability introduced Mrs Françoise Profit, the new head of the Secretariat and highlighted the French priorities for the next three years:

First, we want to strengthen the link between European Higher Education Area and European Research Area since research and learning constitute together the originality,  identity and value of our universities;
Second, we think that the Bologna process has to develop cooperation with third countries, especially Mediterranean countries, as soon as possible;
Third, as the Bologna process is an efficient tool for sharing good practices we want to reinforce digital learning;
Fourth, we intend to work for a more inclusive Higher education system, taking into consideration lifelong learning.
Finally, as Higher education is a common good, it is time to invite more social categories and all stakeholders to get involved in the educational process.

After having introduced the French Vice-chair, Patricia Pol, the General Director asked her to present the answers received to a questionnaire sent some days before to the participants. The ceremony ended with participants exchanging comments on those issues.

Published: 01/07/2015 - Last modified: 16/01/2017
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