Work programme 2015-2018
Refugees' impact on Bologna reform Recognition of Prior Learning and inclusion in the light of increased migration

The Swedish Council for Higher Education and the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research in collaboration with Malmö University organises a conference on Recognition of Prior Learning, inclusion and alternative routes to higher education in the light of increased migration. The conference will take place at Malmö University, Sweden on the 12th and 13th of June 2017.
More than a million refugees crossed the borders into the EU in 2015. Many of the newly arrived migrants are young, and just about to start their post-secondary education. Others have studied at higher education institutions but haven’t been able to finalise their studies. This puts the spotlight on several of highly prioritised Bologna issues, e.g. making the higher education system more inclusive, recognition of credits earned abroad, recognition of prior learning (RPL), establishing flexible learning paths et cetera.
The Bologna implementation report 2015 also identified that recognition of foreign qualifications still needs to be improved, and the methods for RPL need to be developed. This conference, arranged within the framework of the Bologna Working group 2 on Implementation, will therefore focus on RPL and opportunities for lifelong learning for newly arrived migrants. It will give opportunities for peer-learning within the EHEA on procedures and methods for RPL with special focus on access and inclusion of newly arrived migrants in higher education.
The conference will present good examples within the EHEA on procedures and methods for RPL with special focus on inclusion and provision of more appropriate learning opportunities and access to higher education for newly arrived migrants. It will be a meeting point and will provide an opportunity to share experiences among practitioners, policy makers and stakeholders from EHEA countries.
Some of the issues that will be discussed during plenary sessions and in group discussions are:
- How do we provide more appropriate learning opportunities for newly arrived migrants?
- Are the admission procedures in place fit for purpose?
- What measures for RPL are in place, what could be implemented better and what needs to be developed?
The conference aims to inspire and encourage HEIs and stakeholders within the EHEA to develop their schemes for RPL and other initiatives.
The outcome is dependent on the active contribution of the participants. The conference will produce a report describing both examples of good practice as well as suggestions for continued work and development proposals, and will report to the relevant working groups within the Bologna Follow up Group.
About the conference
Target audience
The conference invites practitioners, stakeholders and policymakers from EHEA-countries. The conference will be held in English and is free of charge.
Swedish Council for Higher Education

The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) is a Swedish government agency with many different tasks in the education sector.
This conference is part of the working group Fostering implementation of agreed key commitments activities.