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Work programme 2009-2012

Education, Research and Innovation - A National Bologna Process Seminar

Other relevant event Sliema, Malta 10/03/2011

A National Bologna Process Seminar on Education, Research and Innovation organized by European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA).

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The half day seminar will focus on the relevance of Higher Education Institutions to research and innovation in the context of a changing and challenging EHEA. Cooperation between European higher education institutions needs to be enhanced and new projects need to be developed, particularly at doctoral level. More initiatives need to be undertaken to ensure that Malta moves towards becoming a centre of excellence in education and research.
With this objective in mind, the aim of the seminar is to explore what measures need to be taken now to increase participation rates in post-graduate research-based courses and how more courses in fields relevant to Malta’s socio-economic growth can be provided by HEIs in Malta. References to the relevant key objectives outlined in the Leuvenand Louvain-la-Neuve Communiqué will also be made.

Published: 10/03/2011 - Last modified: 19/08/2016
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Name of the persons attending the event: Dr. von Brockdorff, Mr. Lauritsen