Astana, Kazakhstan
Category: BFUG Board meetings


Eighty-first Bologna Follow-Up Group Board meeting, hosted by Kazakhstan (Astana), 5 October 2022.





1. Welcome and introduction

1.1. Welcome by the current BFUG Co-Chairs: Czech Republic and Kazakhstan

1.2. Welcome by the BFUG Vice-Chair (Albania)

1.3. Information by the outgoing BFUG Co-Chairs: France and Azerbaijan 


2. Adoption of the agenda

BFUG_Board_CZ_KZ_81_2.1 Draft Agenda


BFUG_Board_CZ_KZ_81_2.2 Draft Annotated Agenda


3. Update from the BFUG Secretariat 

BFUG Board_CZ_KZ_81_Secretariat Update


4. Update from the Bologna Implementation Coordination Group (BICG) 



5. Update from the Working Groups and Task Forces

5.1.  Working Group on Monitoring the Implementation of the Bologna Process

5.2. Working Group on Fundamental Values

5.3. Working Group on Social Dimension

5.4. Working Group on Learning and Teaching

5.5.  Coordination Group on Global Policy Dialogue

5.5.1. Developing Central Asian Higher Education Area on the basis of Bologna Process principles

5.6. Working Group on San Marino Roadmap

Update of the Working Group to support the Implementation of the Roadmap for San Marino's accession to the EHEA

5.7. Task Force on Enhancing Knowledge-Sharing in the EHEA community

5.8. Update from the EHEA Network of QF National Correspondents


6. A thematic block on Learning and Teaching

 BFUG BOARD_CZ_KZ_81_6.1. Thematic Block on Learning and Teaching



7. Finalization of the pending changes of the Rules of Procedure for 2022-2024


8. Discussion on the creation of an Ad Hoc group for the Rules of Procedures



9. Roadmap towards the Ministerial Conference and Global Policy Forum 2024

 BFUG BOARD_CZ_KZ_81_9.1.Roadmap Towards Ministerial



10. Discussion of the Draft Agenda for the Upcoming BFUG Meeting LXXXII

 BFUG BOARD_CZ_KZ_81_10.1 BFUG Draft Agenda LXXXII


11. Information by the Incoming Co-Chairs (Sweden and Bosnia & Hercegovina)

11.1. BFUG Board Meeting LXXXIII (Bosnia & Hercegovina)

11.2. BFUG Meeting LXXXIV (Sweden)


12. AOB

 End of the Meeting